Thursday, March 30, 2006

More podcasts

I posted about some of the podcasts I regularly listen to a couple of weeks ago. Those aren't the only ones I catch on a regular basis. Some of the other ones are:

Inside the Net - Hosted by Amber MacArthur and Leo Laporte, focuses on developments in Web 2.0. Amber and Leo interview the content creators and web designers who are developing some of the cooler things on the web.

Diggnation - Fun podcast (or vodcast) highlighting some of the top stories from Digg is a social bookmarking/news site focusing on technology. I've discovered lots of good things both from the podcast and from the web site. I should mention that Diggnation often has explicit language and always mentions drinking.

GEEK!ED! - I just discovered this one today and I've already downloaded and listened to four episodes. The primary focus of this podcast is educational technology. It is hosted by educators and is intended for educators. I discovered this one while playing with Podzinger.

Podzinger is not a podcast, but a search tool. It was the focus of this week's Inside the Net. Podzinger uses sophisticated voice recognition software to extract text from podcasts and make it searchable. You can search for what people said, not just what they put in their podcast descriptions. How cool is that?

1 comment:

Steve said...

I was not very happy about the whole G4 take over either. TechTV had some good programming, it was a shame to see it all go away.

The cool thing is that many of the olde people from TechTV are creating content and providing it free on the net.