Thursday, June 21, 2007

Real World Applications

I have the privilege of having a dedicated team of students who are presenting their invention at MIT this week. They were one of 20 high school teams to win a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Grant to create an invention. It was a long arduous process that changed form along the way, but we're done.

This week is the InvenTeams Odyssey, which is being held on the campus of MIT. All 20 teams are here to show off their inventions and replenish their excitement and enthusiasm for science, engineering, and invention. I'll leave it to my students to tell you about their project. I filmed their presentation and you can see it below.

I also want to encourage other teachers out there to seriously consider applying for this outstanding program. Teams apply for grants of up to $10,000. The money can be used to buy supplies needed for the invention process including building materials as well as food for meetings. Additionally, up to $2,000 of the grant can be used as a teacher stipend. The initial round for application is in the spring (sorry I didn't post earlier) with the best of those being invited to submit a final application in the fall. Look for it next year, it is an outstanding program.

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Very good work!