Sunday, October 19, 2008

Videos in Science Class at the MDSTA

Yesterday was the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Detroit Science Teachers Association. I always enjoy this meeting. It's a good size for a local meeting and the talks are good even though the conference is relatively small.

I presented on the use of teacher created videos for instruction. Everyone assumes video is really hard and really expensive. If you want to make TV or theater quality video it is. But if all you're trying to do is get a little extra teaching done and you have access to a computer, then its free and easy. If you don't care so much about the production value it is also not as time consuming as people think either.

You can find my digital "Handout" on the Flosscience Site. This page will be growing as I go along. The professional development series I've volunteered to run at school this spring will focus on podcasting (I draw no distinction between audio and video podcasts). Additionally, I submitted to present basically the same material at MACUL this spring. I suppose if they don't accept my presentation I'll do it as a Guerrilla Session.

(cross-posted from

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