Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More MACUL - Furl

I've been playing around with Furl today, it's pretty cool. It will let you archive web pages for later viewing in case they vanish off the net. Even cooler it will serve as a repository of bookmarks. You can log into Furl from any computer and recover all your links.

When you furl a page you categorize it and give it some key words to make searching for that cool site you looked at two months ago and can't remember the exact url really easy. Additionally, furl will recommend sites you might like to visit based on what you and other users store.

It is also possible to look at what a specific person is storing. In fact, within 2-3 hours of setting up my Furl I had one subscriber.

For lots more info check out Jim Wenzloff's primer on furl.

If you care what I'm reading you can subscribe to my furl:

or the RSS feed of my Furl:

1 comment:

Jim said...


Thanks for the comment about my Guide to Furl. If you have suggestions for changes let me know. Also, I do have a blog at http://www.visitmyclass.com/blogs/wenzloff.
